California Photographer


Bessie Young Photography Portraits

Happy Wold Photography Day | Tips on how to Celebrate!

Happy Wold Photography Day | Tips on how to Celebrate!

by Bessie Young Photography

August 19th, 2016

Happy World Photography Day by Bessie Young Photography 2

Did you know that August 19th is World Photography Day? What is World Photography Day you ask?.... Well, it is an international photography event that celebrates the passion for photography in our world and our communities.  Come check out this site for some fun facts about photography.

So, how should we celebrate? Well take photos of course :) Here are some other ideas to celebrate this international day:

  1. Take Photos
    • Get outside and capture the world as you see it. Everyone can take a picture of the same view, but each image is unique in its own way because we all see the world different. Share the way you see the world.
  2. Look through old photos
    • I love love love looking through old photos, but make sure if you are looking through old family photos you grab a tissue. Make sure to share those old ones with your friends and family.
  3. Buy a photography book and learn more about how to capture fantastic photos. Check out my post here about popular books.
  4. Purchase some pictures for your home! You can always check out my shop here.
  5. Get inspired
    • Check out other photographers photos. This will inspire you to get outside and go on an adventure for that perfect photo
    • Print your photos. This is always inspiring. There is nothing like holding your creations in your hands and then displaying them on your walls.
  6. If you are really getting into it go buy that camera you have always been wanting! You only live once :) Check out a Gear list here for some of the most popular items.
  7. Encourage others to get outside and take some photos
  8. Set up a shoot off! This is where you schedule an outing specifically for photos. Then everyone that joins gets together to determine the best one. These are SO much fun. Pictures and healthy competition, you can't really beat that.

Happy World Photography Day by Bessie Young Photography 2

Well I hope you enjoyed this article and enjoy World Photography Day!

Wishing you the very best!
