California Photographer


Bessie Young Photography Portraits

Spring Cake Smash - Josephine Turned One | Red Hills California Portraits

Spring Cake Smash - Josephine Turned One

Red Hills California Portraits

by Bessie Young Photography

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One of the greatest gifts is a daughter. Ace Frehley

I cannot believe that it has been a whole year since I took little Josephine's newborn portraits. She is such a cutie, with the biggest eyes, the cutest laugh, and she is always trying to make you smile. Her personality is contagious and I am so honored to be able to document her first year. I thought her 6 month portraits were to die for, but her one year portraits has topped it! Red Hills California was just starting to show signs of Spring and this made for the most perfect location. The yellow flowers made for a blanket of gold and the creek running in the background made for an optimal evening of pictures.

We started off with fun portraits to document her turning one. At first we played in the flowers and then started walking. The flowers tickled little Josephine's toes as we adventured down to the creek.

After the sun began to set, it was cake smash time. Josephine wasn't quite sure what to do with the cake, but after a little bit of time she began to dig in, mainly enjoying the delicious frosting.


The entire time she wanted to show off  her delicious cake and she continuously tried to make everyone laugh with her little giggles and fun noises.

This session was absolutely amazing. It was the perfect weather, at the perfect location, and with the perfect one year old.

I hope you all enjoyed this blog and browsing through these images. If you are in search for a photographer I would absolutely love to talk with you. Please feel free to email be or you can even use this contact form.

Wishing you all nothing but happiness and a beautiful Spring!
